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【预告】学术报告会(珠海校区)第7期:Ghost Town or City of Hope(鬼城,抑或希望之城)

  • 2019-10-28/
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Ghost Town or City of Hope:The Spatial Spillover Effects of High-speed Railway Stations in China

主讲人:常征  香港城市大学助理教授

主持人:周晔馨 北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院副教授




常征,香港城市大学建筑与土木工程系助理教授,哈佛大学城市规划方向博士。研究主题集中在中国的城市发展问题,包括城市交通如何影响土地利用与城市化进程,住房政策与房地产市场关系,地方公共财政与基础设施投融资等等。已在国际匿名评审期刊发表16篇文章,包括Regional Science and Urban Economics, Transportation Research A (Policy and Practice), Transportation Research D (Transport and Environment) 等。


In the past decade, China has developed the most extensive high-speed rail (HSR) transportation network globally. Previous studies have shown that HSR greatly improved inter-city accessibility and that it plays an increasingly important role in facilitating urban growth. Chinese cities tend to use the spatial spillover benefits of HSR stations to promote the HSR new town development program. This study aims to measure the spatial spillover effect of HSR stations in China accurately by employing high-precision calibrated nighttime light satellite images. By utilizing a difference-in-differences estimation, it was found that the nighttime light image intensity has increased by an average of 27% in areas surrounding HSR stations. The study additionally documents a number of heterogeneities concerning these spillover effects across Chinese cities and provides an in depth discussion regarding the factors that could affect the performance of HSR new towns.
