

经济与资源管理研究| 新闻动态
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  • 2019-09-17/
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主讲人:Professor Bjorn Vollan



About the lecturer:

Bjorn Vollan is Professor for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. His research agenda combines methods and topics from environmental economics, development economics and behavioral economics. More specifically, he applies economic experimental techniques carried out in the field to study questions related to the nature of pro-social and anti-social preferences in different contexts and the effectiveness of institutions for governance of natural resources, collective action or risk-sharing networks in developing countries.

Moreover, he has published a great deal of papers on Science, European Economic Review, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, World Development, Environment and Development Economics,  Economic Development and Cultural Change, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Institutional Economics, etc.

Course description:

This course will be an introduction to behavioral and experimental economics. This is one of the fastest growing areas of economic research. The focus will be on understanding the strength and weaknesses of the method as well as understanding the implications of different design choices. An effort will be made to concentrate on experiments studying cooperation, in order to see how experiments build on one another and also moving from the laboratory to the field.





编辑 | 张旖旎 赵增煜

审核 | 彭玉珏